Hello Adventures! I’m Lisa K.

Lisa K wearing a yellow dress drinking a beer in Verona

And I’m so glad you’re here! I’m a mom and lover of vacationing (especially Disney). Planning a family vacation shouldn’t be stressful - that’s why I’m here. My very first vacation with my kids was, to put it simply, a train wreck. From meltdowns to exhaustion, it was not a pretty sight. BUT, I’ve learned from my mistakes and I want to ensure you do not make the same ones I do. Let me take the stress out of planning - I got you!

Overview of My Adventures

Most frequent destination: Walt Disney World in Florida

Most unique adventure: Scuba diving in Maui to attend an underwater wedding

Most unexpected adventure: Getting lost in Venice, Italy and ending up an train to Verona to see the Statue of Juliette

Most memorable adventure (tie): Touring Pompeii in Italy AND Hiking up an active volcano in Santorini, Greece

Worst Travel Quality: All photos of me are ridiculous - I’m usually the one taking the photos and often forget to hand the camera to others - I’m learning though.

Favorite travel pastime: Trying something new even if I’ve visited the destination before - it will take an infinite amount of lifetimes to see it all, but I’m going to get as close as I can!

My Travel Party

John K: The Navigator

Our own personal GPS, John can memorize the footprint of any area after only visiting once. Meanwhile, Lisa still gets lost getting from the grocery store to their home.

Abby: The Thrill Seeker

Don’t let her age fool you, this kindergartener first grader knows no fear. Since taking on her first roller coaster at age 3, she is always looking for the next thrill!

Gregory: The Foodie

Gregory, much like his mom, is all about enjoying savoring those memories. This preschooler is always willing to try something new - from sushi to dole whips!

I’m a Disney Adult

  • When both of my kids were still free (oh how things have changed). Outside of that, I love visiting during the Springtime - the weather is amazing, EPCOT Flower and Garden Festival is beautiful, and the crowds are manageable.

  • Mickey Pretzel, Gaston’s cinnamon roll, Maple popcorn, Dole Whip - there are just too many to choose from! Don’t make me!

  • Guardians of the Galaxy - Cosmic Rewind (by far the best roller coaster I’ve ever been on!); Tower of Terror (I treasure riding this with my dad as a a kid); and of course Muppets Vision 3D (just waiting for the day when Muppets take over every ride!)

  • When my son at age 2 thanked Mickey for inviting us to his home and for the mac and cheese the night before (apparently Tusker House was a big hit!)

  • Take a moment to breath in the memories you are creating! It all goes by far too fast!

Disney travel tips on the blog