Vacation, Traveling with Toddlers, Planes Lisa Kaurich Vacation, Traveling with Toddlers, Planes Lisa Kaurich

Toddlers on a Plane

I have had it with these …. toddlers on this … plane!!!! Yes, I know they are my toddlers, doesn’t mean I can’t be tired of it!

Let’s face it, traveling with toddlers is not easy. Adding in a flight to the mix, you must be crazy. Just kidding! You can do this! I promise. Take a breath and repeat after me “This will not be a total disaster, this will not be a total disaster, this will not be a total disaster.” Here are 16 tips and tricks for surviving airplane travel with your rambunctious toddler.

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Traveling with Babies Lisa Kaurich Traveling with Babies Lisa Kaurich

Flying with Babies Sucks (Five tips to make it suck a little less)

It’s happening. You’ve booked a trip - whether out of pleasure or out of necessity (can’t miss your third cousin’s best friend’s wedding - yes, mom) - and now you must do the inevitable - fly with a baby. Before you start (or continue) to freak out - I’m here to help. Here to calm your nerves and reassure you that it will, most definitely, be terrible. That’s correct! I’m not going to sugarcoat it - it will SUCK. Your precious baby will become a demon who seems to feast off your insecurities and anxiety. BUT, there are a few ways you can make it not suck as much.

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